CURIO is looking for Lee U-fan’s coloured work.

Do you have any colored work by Lee U-fan and would like to sell it?


Currently, we have a customer who is looking to purchase Lee U-fan’s vibrant color work, so if you are considering selling it, please contact us.

The client is primarily looking for brightly colored watercolors and prints.


If you have such a piece but are thinking about whether to let it go or not, feel free to consult with us.



*These photos are samples.


| To those who have a piece by Lee U-fan

Please contact us if you have a Lee U-fan piece that is varicolored in your collection and are wondering about the selling price,


Other types of pieces by Lee U-fan are also always welcome, so if you have any, please feel free to contact us.


We are happy to consult with you so your collection can be sold at your desired price as much as possible.



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