

[LY Exhibition @CURIO Tokyo Gallery] Calling for entry for LY’s work

<Call For Entry> We are looking for people who want to sell LY’s work!


Is there anyone who wants to sell artwork by LY?


CURIO is calling for entry for LY’s artwork.

We are holding a special exhibition for CURIO Tokyo gallery opening.


Contact e-mail address >> https://curio-w.jp/contact/

From COLOR WORKS Website


|To those who have artwork by LY’s


This is a special occasion to sell your treasured artwork at our exhibition.

If you have LY‘s work and thinking about whether to let it go or not, feel free to contact us. 

We are happy to consult with you so your collection can be sold at your desired price.


CURIO Tokyo Gallery(By appointment only)1F, UNIBLE GINZA HIGASHI, 1-7-5 Shintomi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
<Calling for entry for LY’s work> For inquiries click here  >> https://curio-w.jp/contact/


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